Here at High Tech Health we have done extensive research over decades to find the safest and most effective ways to remove harmful toxins from the body.

The #1 most effective way is certainly far infrared saunas, but another excellent method is consuming zeolite.

What is Zeolite and How Does it Work?

Zeolite is a highly negatively charged mineral formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water. As a mineral, it is considered a food and because of its enormous health generating properties it is also considered a health supplement.

heavy metals

Through their strong negative magnetic charge and honeycomb like structure, zeolites draw in highly positively charged toxins, trap them, and then safely remove them from the body through urine (Source).

Some of the specific toxic compounds removed through consuming zeolite are:

  • Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and tin. It also may be able to remove radioactive metals like cesium and Strontium-90.
  • Mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin, and the T2 toxin
  • Ammonium 
  • Nitrates
  • May remove some bacteria and viral particles

Safety, Sourcing, and How to Consume Zeolite

Zeolite has proven through numerous scientific studies to be extremely safe and has been granted GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In Asia zeolites have been used for more than 800 years as a catalyst for creating overall health and wellbeing.

In the U.S. zeolites have been safely and successfully used in animal feed for 33 years and have also had 17 years of clinical research with humans.

Top quality zeolite detox supplements go through two processes to ensure maximum effectiveness:

1. Micronization – This means the minerals have gone through a process to reduce the average diameter of the particles to increase absorption.

2. Purification – This process removes any toxins already stored in the zeolite cages so that they have maximum adsorptive capability.

When seeking out a zeolite supplement I recommend that you only buy from companies that will offer a COA (certificate of analysis) to prove that the product is legitimate.

Zeolite has no taste so powders can be easily consumed by mixing with water and it is recommended to take on an empty stomach.

zeolite testing

Zeolite Alternatives

There are other chelators that have the ability to draw out heavy metals and toxins, however, the major side effect that accompanies these methods is that they also draw out beneficial minerals and vitamins. They do not have a selective uptake mechanism.

Zeolite on the other hand, only draws out highly positively charged harmful toxins.

If you or anyone you know suffers from heavy metal or toxic overload (sadly due to the modern circumstance of high pollution levels that most likely includes most of us), zeolite detox supplements and infrared saunas are excellent options to help us adapt and thrive even amidst these difficult situations!

Our product specialists are available and can help you in your wellness journey.

Transcend TRS-2 infrared Smart Sauna