Infrared saunas are a fantastic way to relax, detoxify, and rejuvenate your body. These sessions typically last anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes, and while sitting quietly and enjoying the heat can be incredibly soothing, there are several activities you can engage in to make the most of your time.

Here are some ideas to enhance your infrared sauna experience:

1. Guided Breathing

Guided breathing exercises are an excellent way to enhance relaxation and improve your sauna experience.

Enjoy the personalized guided breathing app featured in the Transcend Smart Sauna! Focus on deep, slow breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, helping you to center your mind and fully benefit from the sauna’s detoxifying heat.

2. Meditation

The heat of an infrared sauna provides an ideal environment for meditation. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or a beginner, the sauna’s quiet and warmth can help deepen your practice.

You can use a meditation app or simply focus on clearing your mind, repeating a mantra, or practicing mindfulness.

This can significantly enhance the mental relaxation and stress-relief benefits of your sauna session, and improve your focus and productivity throughout the day!

3. Stretching

Gentle stretching in the sauna can be incredibly beneficial. The heat helps to relax your muscles, making it easier to stretch and improve your flexibility. Focus on slow, deliberate movements and stretches, holding each position for a longer period.

Stretching can also help to increase circulation and reduce any muscle tension or soreness. Check out our guide “Simple Stretches to Enhance Your Infrared Sauna Experience

Stretching in a Transcend Far Infrared Sauna
in sauna speakers

4. Listen to Music, Audiobooks, or Podcasts

Listening to your favorite music, audiobooks, or podcasts can make the time fly by. All of our sauna models come with built in bluetooth for high quality audio allowing you to connect and listen to your favorite audio.

Create a calming playlist, choose an engaging audiobook, or find an interesting podcast.

This not only makes the time pass more quickly but can also provide an enjoyable and enriching experience.

5. Read

If you prefer reading, bring a book or an e-reader into the sauna. The warmth can create a cozy environment perfect for getting lost in a good story or learning something new.  

6. Talk with Your Companion in the Sauna

If you’re sharing your sauna session with someone else, take advantage of the time to have a meaningful conversation.

The relaxed environment can be perfect for catching up, discussing interesting topics, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

This can make the sauna experience more enjoyable and help strengthen your bond.

couple in tr2 hemlock infrared sauna
Transcend TRS-2 door handles with rest for tablet inside

7. Catch Up on a Movie or Show

If you want to catch up on the latest episode of your favorite show, start a movie, or catch the game, this is a great place to enjoy some screen time while engaging in some valuable self-care.

Our Smart Saunas include a media shelf for displaying your tablet or device.

8. Practice Visualization

Visualization is a powerful technique where you imagine achieving your goals and dreams. Use the quiet time in the sauna to visualize your aspirations, whether they’re personal, professional, or health-related. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your objectives.

9. Plan, Reflect, or Journal

If you enjoy writing, bring a journal into the sauna and spend some time reflecting on your day, your goals, or your thoughts and feelings. The peaceful environment can help you gain clarity, gratitude, and insight, making journaling a productive and therapeutic activity during your session. Depending on when you prefer to sauna, it can be a great time to plan the rest of your day or the following.

10. Dry Brushing

Use a towel or natural bristle brush to gently brush your skin.

This increases circulation and movement of lymph, to promote sweating and aid in detoxification.

dry brushing in sauna

Whether you choose to relax with guided breathing and meditation, catch up with reading or listening to podcasts, or connect with a companion, your sauna sessions will nourish the mind and body, making your sauna time your own personal daily retreat.

Our product specialists are available and can help you in your wellness journey.

Transcend TRS-2 infrared Smart Sauna